Monday, July 9, 2012

Movie Review - Brave

Went to see Brave this weekend with Sky and Heather. I love Pixar movies and this one was really good. Visually the movie was unbelievable, especially the landscapes and details. I'm pretty sure you can see all the individual strands of fur on all the animals in the movie. The story essentially revolves around a young Scottish princess Merida voiced by Kelly Macdonald, her mother Elinor voiced by Emma Thompson and explores the mother/daughter dynamic in a true fairy tale. A lot of the funniest lines were by the father Fergus played by Billy Connolly who was a Scottish King renowned for fighting off a giant bear. I won't give away too much of the movie as there is one big twist about a 3rd of the way through that I don't want to ruin. All in all I enjoyed the movie and while it isn't in my top 5 favorite Pixar films it's not far off. I'm not sure I'd recommend it for young or sensitive kids as there are quite a few scary scenes involving a killer bear but those were some of my favorite scenes.

Like a lot of Pixar movies there was a short before the feature, this one is called La Luna and is a really sweet story. It's about a young boy with his father and grandfather who learns the family business involving the moon. Again I don't want to give away too much but it is a quick little feel good story before the main event.

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