In putting together the team I tried to think team first. So I needed some bruisers, some energy powers, some smart folks and good overall teammates with a propensity towards good. We're doing good here so it's more defense than offense.
Colossus is my favorite mutant and I'm not sure why because there are so many to chose from. He can turn into organic steel and has super strength which would be really nice to have in a scrap or if you needed to lift a bus over your head. I think I read somewhere that he is the strongest mutant but I could be wrong about that. Either way, if you need to throw some punches in a battle I want this guy on my team.
I like how someone said, hey let's give him shoulder pads but can we make them have holes in them?
Ping, ping, ping...
Why is he glowing? I don't get it but I like the way Jim Lee draws.
Storm has to be on any X-Men team I"m putting together. She controls weather & flies. With the heavy hitters throwing punches she can strike down foes with lightning, provide cover with fog or rain and if shit really gets out of hand it's tornado time.
This would be a cool poster or wine label
I like the look of this one and would be a cool poster too
The 14 year old boy in me loves the way Michael Turner draws Storm here. He was such an amazing artist, sucks that he's gone. Obviously he draws a sexy lady but I also consistently love the way he draws faces as everyone is really strong.
I flip floped a little between Beast and Forge as lets face it, any super hero team held back by morality & conscious needs to have the very best equipment. Hank not only brings that but he's also awesome in a fight with extra strength & agility. His hangup about looking like a big blue animal isn't too too annoying so he's in. I also like how he's developed over the years from looking mostly human to looking like a big cat, nice to mix it up.
Early Beast looks like a few mechanic friends of mine.
You can tell he's smart by the lab coat
The costume is funny here. The only thing missing from his sweet stripper outfit is the x shaped bow tie.
Every team needs a little comic relief and Bobby provides that right along with having some of the strongest powers around. He's a good locker room guy who can also tear shit up, perfect!
Loved the ice slide as a kid and makes me think about pretending I was Iceman standing up on my sled bombing down the hill in my back yard.
I think he just blew out a shoulder.
I like this style, not sure who the artist is.
Can anyone say, holy shit I think that smoking hot chick just ripped apart that universe on a molecular level? Well that's what Jean Grey can do as Phoenix. I want her on the good side as it's kind of nice to have a home/lair to go back to once the party ends.
This is the drawing I think of first when I think of Phoenix.
Ultimate Jean Grey here. You can tell she means business by the glowing eyes
80's hair!
Kitty Pryde
Kitty can phase through anything so she's nice to have if you need to get in or out of a vault or something like that. She also has a pet dragon Lockheed who would be kind of fun to have around the mansion. She's good in just about any situation and Colossus would be happy to have someone to flirt with.
She seems pretty laid back for someone who's busting up that computer
Terry Dodson is just stupid talented
Why's she screaming? No air?
Surge can absorb electrical energy turn it into speed and fire it back through her hands kind of like the Emperor in Star Wars except nothing like that as his was through his finger tips, from the force and rage. I don't see how any team couldn't be helped by someone who can run insanely fast and electrocute your face when she's pissed.
She must sound crackly
At first I didn't see Colossus. Seems a little odd where he is
That is some shiny hair
Ms. Marvel
I really got behind Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel from playing the Marvel Alliance games on the PS3 as she was absolutely dominant in those. She flies, has super strength and can shoot concussive energy from her hands. What's not to love? It was debatable if she qualified for the X-Men but according to Marvel.com she was almost added at one point but lost out to Rogue so she's in on my team.
I had a hard time coming up with pics here for Ms. Marvel that didn't make me look too much like a perv.
Love this drawing
Someone's about to hurt someone with those glowing hands
Psylocke is another one of my favorite mutants. She can create a telekinetic sword or blades out of her fists or just telekinetic power blasts. She can also create illusions, has some mind control powers albeit a little limited and can shoot mental bolts from her brain and stuff. Shit goes down, I want her in the fight.
Sweet kick flip
Love this pic, the style is friggin awesome
Ed Benes is one of my favorite artists and does a good drawing here. On a related note, I had a hard time finding 3 cool pics of Psylocke that didn't show her thong. She's proof that comics are made for the 14 year old boy in all of us.
Captain Britain
I'm not going to lie, he won out on the team as he's Psylocke's brother and I liked the idea of them both being on the team. Probably some bickering and live saving when the chips are on the table. Plus the outfits are hilarious, probably make the rest of the team chuckle and make British jokes. From a power perspective he's also jacked. He is super strong, can fly, has enhance reflexes and stamina. I wanted yet another powerhouse on the team. He almost lost out to Cyclops or Cable but I couldn't pull the trigger on Cyclops and I think he's slightly cooler despite the uni than Cable.
Do you think he's pissed because is raining again in London?
Classic pose here
Maybe it's the only pose he knows besides arm cross. Sweet hair bro
With the Brotherhood unlike the X-Men I was thinking of who would be the biggest bad assess to put on the team. These guys are all about destroying stuff and I was less concerned with how well they would play together than who wouldn't you want to see coming at you in a fight.
Great cornerstone of the team. Give him a running start and the rest of the team can go into mop up mode. He's an absolute beast in a fight and immune to Prof X's powers.
That grin is straight out of The Shinning
Good lord is he huge
Classic dance pose
Pure bad ass. Can shift into anyone and is handy with a weapons cashe. Can't form an evil team without her.
This drawing is ridiculously cool.
She seems really happy to have that gun, sword and to be standing ankle deep in human skulls
Those are big guns
While I understand the internal battle within Wolverine to between his rage and doing good I think it's dumb. He should be bad, pure and simple. He is an absolute killing machine who heals from anything. How're you going to turn the ability to take razor sharp claws that can slash people in 2 and make him into a good guy, ridiculous. He should be chopping people up and taking names. Plus forget Colossus throwing him through enemies, can you imagine Magneto launching him? It would be just stupid powerful
He looks constipated
Still constipated
If he was constipated that should help loosen stuff up
Female clone of Wolverine with 2 claws in each fist and 1 in each foot. Done and done. Good guys getting disemboweled left and right.
Pretty cool drawing, she seems like she's just about to cut someone in half
She missed a bunch of bullets. Plus she heals from bullets, seems silly to cut them for nothing
Now that's a wake of destruction
Controlling fire is a bad guy thing. Iceman meet Pyro, now go. Ice slide? How about melt that water slide? Def a strong addition to any team looking to destroy shit.
There were oddly very few drawing of Pyro out there on the web. I did the best with what I could find. Oddly enough this was the best solo one I could find even though I'm not that happy with it. Seems short sighted, where's he going to land?
What's the rest? How to avoid getting set on fire with a wedgie?
Why is Pyro ducking from fire?
Emma Frost
Emma should just be bad, no going around it. She's the biggest bitch out there and has amazingly cool powers. Telepath check, now lets have that same icy byotch turn into the hardest element on the planet. Done and watch out.
What's on her finger?
Now that's how to make an entrance
What giant robot? Oh that? NBD
Who would like to have a member of the team who can absorb powers and use them against you. Again I think she should be bad so she can take those powers to the next level and really dominate with them.
Ed Benes again
This just screams late 80's early 90's and I love it
Wouldn't a scarf be bad in a fight? Just inviting people to try to choke you out.
Master thief who can charge up anything he touches and can fight with a bo staff. Get him in the lineup. No way a master thief should be a good guy unless he's Robin Hood which would be stupid. Plus he can flirt with Rogue.
Ed Benes draws Gambit for the ladies.
Great concentration here, no smirk for Gambit during a fight
Not sure if you know this but Gambit says "Dat" more than anyone not wraslin a gator has any right to.
Cloak and Dagger
Cloak is one dark guy. He feeds off of souls or light from Daggers powers. Dagger keeps him in control but I think it would be awesome if they just decided to let go and kick some ass. Cloak can send people into a darkness dimension he can be intangible and teleport through the dimension of darkness. Dagger has the cool light daggers that can damage, cure drug additions & previously mentioned stop Dagger from feasting on human souls.
Adam Hughes has a great drawing style. I like this one a lot even if it doesn't make sense what Dagger is doing
Is that a leggo guy in the stained glass?
It's hard to get good distance on a light dagger throw without a side leg kick. Also, why are they standing in a puddle?
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