Monday, June 11, 2012

Movie Review- Prometheus

Went to see Prometheus with some friends last night and I'll paraphrase my new friend Alex that there were a lot of cool things in an OK movie (he was a bit more critical). The movie has been getting a ton of hype as the first space horror movie for Ridley Scott since Aliens and maybe it was just a bit too much pressure. The effects were great, acting all top notch especially Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron & Michael Fassbender but the plot needed some serious work and the movie didn't engage you into caring much about the characters good or evil. It's really strange about how the movie didn't develop the characters enough as it would have made the most powerful scenes that much better rather than just passively watching the effects and action. As to the plot itself, we were all siting about talking about the movie afterwards and we think that maybe what happened is that it got over edited where some of the connect the dots stuff were taken out without them thinking it through. Lot's of confusing stuff, for example at one point a character intentionally contaminates another character with this alien liquid that he knows is bad but none of us could figure out why he did it. I still have no idea what the point was besides creating some action that's fun to watch. That is just one of many examples but I don't want to give too much away from the movie.

On an unrelated note, I'm pretty sure that George Lucas is a little upset with Ridley because the main score of the film was really reminiscent of that iconic Star Wars music. To further hammer home the similarities, in one of the first scary scenes with alien life forms, an alien comes out of this sludge like stuff that looks eerily similar to the alien in the death star's trash compactor scene. I'm not sure if they're intentional homages but either way they were distracting.

I know I've been crapping on the movie and have really only said good things about the acting and the special effects but believe it or not despite the plot issues & lack of characters you're emotionally wrapped up in the movie was still fairly entertaining. This should have been a shitty movie but it wasn't for at least the 1st showing, I think if I were to ever see it again I'd absolutely hate it.

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