Heather, Sky and I went to a Portland Pirates game on Saturday night. It was Sky's first game, she got a cool skull and crossbow face paint job and was literally on the edge of her seat for most of the first & second period. Adorable! So despite some pretty nasty winter weather, no fights and a loss it was a really fun night.
Despite the fun time, I have to be honest and admit that I'm not a huge fan of the Pirates as a team for 2 reasons. Being a devout Bruins fan it's tough to root for Buffalo's farm team and the players are by and large aholes. A few years ago I had a few friends dating Pirate players who have since moved on to the NHL. One called her and asked that she sleep with his teammate who couldn't speak English, another immaculately dressed player would only have anal sex and the third cancelled a date when his girlfriend came into town unexpectedly. It kills me a bit being such a fan of the game but I deal with it by actively avoiding the players off the ice. My experience around town is that as a group they're complete dinks who treat people like shit, hit on every remotely non disgusting girl in the bar and give off a huge sense of entitlement. In the instances where it's inappropriate to avoid conversation I'll say hi but try to keep the conversation brief. The only exception to this was Tim Brent who now plays for Toronto and couldn't be a nicer guy. This is in direct contrast to the next fellow.

The picture above is of NHL prospect Mark Mancari who through 47 games this year has 28 goals & 26 assists. I've been wondering how someone who's putting up such great numbers is still in the AHL after 6 seasons of professional hockey? I believe the answer is that he's lazy. I can't tell you how many times he gave up on plays and slowly skated back to the bench for a line change when things hadn't gone exactly his way. I was also told, by a gorgeous brunette who used to work in a local restaurant that he was a grade A dink off the ice. Kind of makes me glad he keeps getting passed over by his teammates when the Sabers call this year.
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